Why do you need War Room?

Year after year, we change smartphones, clothes, cars etc. In fact, a lot of accessories get replaced every season. We go for new fashion and adopt technology as and when they arrive. Major international brands have started "Global Launch" because there are no boundaries now, there is no time-lag. Whatever is available in the far west, is accessible in the far east as well. North and South may be far by distance but they are connected with the presence of social media and digital platforms. But there is something yet to change. Fighting elections in India is still old-fashioned. Even in the 21st century, we have been witnessing elections being contested in age-old traditional way.

Yes, a few technologies (we may call them solutions) have come into place now. Call centers are heavily used. Data management is the new rule of the game being adopted by several political parties. Also there are a few who are trying to analyse the data based on the surveys they conduct at state or constituency levels. Some sentiment tools (not very accurate) are also being used but that hardly produces a result oriented action-plan.

WarRoom is not just a service or product. It is the way elections will be contested in the times to come. We are the first in the line and we will make sure that our companions get the fruits of being beginners.

Digital era is a time when we all need to think beyond "visible". It's a time of heavy data mining, understanding the complex responses and mindset of the voter and usage of the same in the best way possible to win an election. WarRoom does just that and provides all possible solutions for micro-managing an election whether it is a general election or assembly or panchayat for that matter.

You need a WarRoom to better manage your election and thus increase your probability of winning the game. At constituency level, it is neither cost effective nor professionally possible to set up a full-fledged physical war room. We have therefore built a unique election engineer called "WarRoom", a digital dashboard for micro to macro management of your election.

WarRoom offers a variety of services on one dashboard in the most user- friendly interface. From media watch to social media analysis, from research to suggestive action plan, from campaign ideas to forming charge-sheet and from conducting complex surveys to creating a mammoth database and from connecting with all your voters and influencers to keeping an eye on your campaign vehicles, everything is on WarRoom. Also, if you want to get any other service in the most professional and time bound manner, WarRoom is the answer.

You just have to subscribe to WarRoom and work on the field with our inputs. The victory will be yours!